
“Yeah, all those things, responsibility, pressure. It's a bit stressful. I try and come to terms with it by not thinking about it.”

did I tell you I was going to go to New York this Spring Break with you? Did I also tell you that I am so excited for that? I think the worlds waiting for us to travel together since we've done everything we could together here in Calgary. I'm going to Coachella as well and then Shambhala, you're coming with me. I'm going to Bamboozle with Rudy. I don't have a job yet. I need one really bad and it's not fair that some people have two jobs and I can't even find one! I'm trying to convince my mom to let me adopt this dog named Shiner (via facebook) but she's being a cunt like always about it and it's not fair cause I need someone.

I wish I could wear dresses all day everyday, I hate pants and shirts and everything else so uncomfortable.

sorry for the delay

I dreamed of you. I dreamed you were wandering in the dark, and so was I. We found each other. We found each other in the dark.

You tell God the Father it was a kindness you done. I know you hurtin' and worryin', I can feel it on you, but you oughta quit on it now. Because I want it over and done. I do. I'm tired, boss. Tired of bein' on the road, lonely as a sparrow in the rain. Tired of not ever having me a buddy to be with, or tell me where we's coming from or going to, or why. Mostly I'm tired of people being ugly to each other. I'm tired of all the pain I feel and hear in the world everyday. There's too much of it. It's like pieces of glass in my head all the time. Can you understand?



And just like that, I'm gone

Maestro Knows - NYC Edition (Anoma Ya Whittaker) from Maestro Knows on Vimeo.

It's so hard to find people with good dialogue these days!
Scope all the Season 2 NYC edition episodes here
So much love


bad morning

“I was fine, until I read your fucking [blog]”


"they don't see you as I do"

Blakroc in stores November 27th, scope it.


I'm not looking at you dudes, I'm looking past ya


"For almost 18 months I’ve been working on my first feature length documentary about Ozzy Osbourne. We are still far from finished but we have put up a little teaser to let people know its in the works… I’m really excited about this project and can’t wait till I can share more of the film… Its a side of Ozzy that not many people have ever seen."


"...and she's still lying to my fucking face about it"

fuck bitches
get money

"there's the world, then there's our world"


greatest interview I've ever read


this is halloween

guidos anyone?

the most incredible baby

Micheal Jackson's Twin

"With timeless style, driven by an unparalleled imagination, Rushka Bergman is a fashion editor with a strong, sharp and sophisticated vision. Her passion for any form of creative expression is clearly visible in her work, which shows multi-layered influences from the Old Renaissance Masters, minimalism and to today’s modern art. New York based, Serbian born Rushka got her degree in Economics from The University of Belgrade and shortly thereafter moved to Ghana where she continued her studies in Fine Art.

Rushka Bergman is currently Contributing Fashion Editor for Italian L’Uomo Vogue and Vogue Italia . She is a fearless taste maker, visualizing breathtaking style for the covers of Italian L’Uomo Vogue from Steven Spielberg, Tim Burton to Michael Jackson, from Robert De Niro to Mickey Rourke, from Tim Roth to John Malkovich, from Hugh Jackman to Emile Hirsch."

Scope more of her @ http://www.rushkabergman.com/


I've been meaning to post these songs

but I've just been stressing so hard lately, but here I've realized there's less stress after I listened to them a few times

I got his album "straight no chaser" after Nabil posted the "Knew we were trouble" song, I can't stop listening to it. Last song really reminds me of us Nabil, I love it them all so much. Almost as much as I love you.
